Author of the British Council Fashion DNA SME Ecosystem Needs Analysis Toolkit, empowering researchers to undertake needs analysis in emerging fashion ecosystems, 2019.
Project Manager and part of research team developing IP Guides and Toolkits for Fashion SMEs. Launched March 2012.
Author of a Toolkit for high value manufacturers and high-end designers to assist them to think more strategically, assess new opportunities and embed new practises in manufacturing and professionalise their production planning and procurement for Designers and Manufacturers.
Author of the NESTA Fashion Business start-up guide.
Kenya Fashion Designer SME Needs Analysis, commissioned by the British Council, 2020.
Ukraine Fashion Designer SME Needs Analysis, commissioned by the British Council, 2019.
Leeds Fashion Incubator & Business Support - Study & Recommendations, A vision for a Leeds Fashion Centre, commissioned by Leeds City Council, 2016.
Fashion sector needs assessment, commissioned by Bilbao International Art & Fashion, 2015.
One City, One Fashion Voice, A Masterplan for Antwerp, commissioned by the Flanders Fashion Institute, 2014.
The Centre for Fashion Enterprise in Qatar – fashioning a new future for the Middle East, commissioned by Enterprise Qatar, 2012.
Needs Analysis Project Manager and part of research team for ‘High-end fashion manufacturing in the UK - product, process and vision’ feasibility study and recommendations.
Commissioned by the DCMS to assess the feasibility of the development of a high-end production hub. Part One and Part Two
Project Manager and part of the research team for ‘The Designer Fashion Economy’ . A NESTA commissioned research project providing an invaluable insight and analysis into the business structure, networks, positive relationships and barriers to growth for both micro and small to medium sized Designer businesses located in the capital. Read the Report here.