Jan's detailed knowledge of the creative industries and particularly the fashion sector, gives a unique foundation and strong personal interest to undertake research, policy development and development projects that make a difference.

Past work has included:

  • Strategic Advisor to Goethe Institut for the Sudan & Europe Creative Connections fashion designer skills research and training project 2019-22

  • Kenya Fashion Designer SME Needs Analysis, commissioned by the British Council, 2020. Research Consultant

  • Ukraine Fashion Designer SME Needs Analysis, commissioned by the British Council, 2019. Researcher and Author

  • Researcher and author of 'Fashion DNA research and development', commissioned  by the British Council, to assess the current provision of business development support to fashion businesses in the UK including the key models/typologies of this support,  to provide a clear overview of key UK providers and the potential to partner with these organisations for the development and delivery of an international programme, entitled fashion DNA, or indeed to establish a consortium of delivery partners. (Summer 2018).

  • Strategic Advisor to the Mayor Of London’s East London Fashion Cluster project 2016-2018.

  • Leeds Fashion Incubator & Business Support - Study & Recommendations, A vision for a Leeds Fashion Centre, commissioned by Leeds City Council, 2016.

  • Fashion sector needs assessment, commissioned by Bilbao International Art & Fashion, 2015.

  • One City, One Fashion Voice, A Masterplan for Antwerp, commissioned by the Flanders Fashion Institute, 2014.

  • Scoping study to inform Enterprise Qatar of intervention options for developing a new creative industries economy in the region – fashioning a new future for the Middle East, commissioned by Enterprise Qatar, 2012.

  • Needs Analysis Project Manager and part of research team for ‘High-end fashion manufacturing in the UK - product, process and vision’ feasibility study and recommendations.

  • Commissioned by the DCMS to assess the feasibility of the development of a high-end production hub. Part One and Part Two

  • Project Manager and part of the research team for ‘The Designer Fashion Economy’ . A NESTA commissioned research project providing an invaluable insight and analysis into the business structure, networks, positive relationships and barriers to growth for both micro and small to medium sized Designer businesses located in the capital. Read the Report here.Author of Leeds City Council Feasibility Study for developing the fashion eco-system/launch of a fashion incubator

  • Research, preparation and writing of a Business Plan for the new fashion educational establishment in Istanbul, which then went ahead and launched in 2007 as the Istanbul Moda Academy. Subsequent to this, was the preparation of a proposal for the Istanbul based fashion talent incubator Incube, which launched in 2013.

  • Project management of the NESTA commissioned research project on ‘The Designer Fashion Economy’. This provided an invaluable insight and analysis into the business structure, networks, positive relationships and barriers to growth for both micro and small to medium sized Designer fashion businesses located in the capital. Contributed to the final published report.

  • Project management of the research project commissioned by the DCMS to assess the feasibility of the development of a high-end production hub for London. Contributed to the final published reports: One Two

  • Project management of a new high-end support initiative – the Alliance (membership included Centre for Fashion Enterprise, UKFT, Creative Skillset, Grant Thornton and BFC) – focusing on the needs of London based high-end fashion manufacturers, and identifying investment, market, skills and knowledge gaps, informing the development of resources to support these businesses. Co-author of toolkits: Designers' Toolkit Fashion Toolkit

  • Project management of a one year Intellectual Property Office project to identify economic opportunities through more effective IP protective. Deliverables: economic impact, dissemination, developing IP Guides and Toolkits for Fashion SMEs.
